Thursday, February 2, 2017

How to overcome a bad situation

There are thousands of articles all around the web that explaines how to overcome a bad situation. But I am going to explain how to do this using my personal experience.

First you have to understand exactly in what situation you are in. To do so you have to find a quiet place , shut your phone down or close the noticefuctions to prevent distructions. Take a deep breath , close your eyes and think . This whole scene will help you to make a crystal clean picture of  your curent problem and what caused it.

Ones you are done with the most important step you have to keep in mind that the time won't turn back so all you have to do is to '' forgive yourself ''
tip* Do not blame others, you were somehow involved in that situation so if you want to blame someone , the one to blame is YOU. Forgive yourself and move on !

If the steps above did not help , it would be wise to find something to distruct  you from overthinking.
So take a walk downtown , listen to some music or grab a paper and start drawing
Fact* By doing something creative your right part of your brain may even come up with an idea to fix your curent situation .

Leave a comment below if you have any questions about this article!!!

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