Monday, February 13, 2017

Face your fears

It's easy to ignore our fears and hope that they'll just go away. Unfortunately, they rarely do. If you don’t face your fears, they’ll end up controlling you. How do you face them? The most common way to face your fears is through exposure, where you gradually face the thing or situation you’re afraid of. With the right method of thinking, you'll wonder why you weren't doing it sooner!
  • First of all you have to Realize that you’re not alone. There are thousands -- maybe even millions -- of people who are probably afraid of very similar things. For example, more than 50 percent of Americans are afraid of creepy crawlies (snakes, spiders, bugs)! Shaming yourself or feeling embarrassed by your fear won’t help you overcome it, but acknowledging that fear is a normal human emotion can help you find the strength to face yours.
  • Second and most important part  in order to fight your fears, you’ve got to know what scares you. Sit down and draw up a list of things you’re afraid of. What are they? Where do they come from? What are their origins? When do they seem to crop up? When do they seem not so bad? How do they make you feel? Getting away from the fear and away from yourself -- looking at yourself on paper -- will help you be a bit more logical, a bit more objective about your fear
  • Once you have managed to understant what couses your fear try to face it logicaly .Differentiate between rational and irrational fears. In some situations, it’s perfectly natural to feel some level of fear. A healthy fear response is an evolutionary advantage that’s helped humans survive in a hostile world for thousands of years. However, other fears are more irrational, and it’s often these fears that can cause the most difficulty and distress.
  • And here it comes the last step to face your fears ... In every case there are advantages and disadvantages switch from thinking about the absolute worst-case scenario to the best-case scenario. For example, imagine that you really want to scuba dive but are focused on the worst-case scenarios: you get eaten by a shark, your oxygen cuts out, you drown. While these are possibilities, they’re pretty slim: for example, you have a 1 in 3,700,000 chance of being killed by a shark. (By way of comparison, you have a 1 in 2600 chance of being injured by an air freshener.) In contrast, your chances of having an incredible experience doing this thing you’re afraid of are very high. Why resist doing something that could bring you so much joy and beauty? HUH? 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

How to overcome a bad situation

There are thousands of articles all around the web that explaines how to overcome a bad situation. But I am going to explain how to do this using my personal experience.

First you have to understand exactly in what situation you are in. To do so you have to find a quiet place , shut your phone down or close the noticefuctions to prevent distructions. Take a deep breath , close your eyes and think . This whole scene will help you to make a crystal clean picture of  your curent problem and what caused it.

Ones you are done with the most important step you have to keep in mind that the time won't turn back so all you have to do is to '' forgive yourself ''
tip* Do not blame others, you were somehow involved in that situation so if you want to blame someone , the one to blame is YOU. Forgive yourself and move on !

If the steps above did not help , it would be wise to find something to distruct  you from overthinking.
So take a walk downtown , listen to some music or grab a paper and start drawing
Fact* By doing something creative your right part of your brain may even come up with an idea to fix your curent situation .

Leave a comment below if you have any questions about this article!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

How to control anger

Everyone gets angry on occasion. If you're experiencing overwhelming rage, though, it could be damaging your mental and physical health as well as your relationships with others. Uncontrolled anger can be indicative of underlying problems, such as anger management issues or mental disorder. It's important to control your emotions and calm yourself down for your own sake as well as for the sake of those around you.

So i would like to sheare with you some tips that might help you.!!!!

  • First of all you have to find out what exacly causes this unwanted emotion in order to controll it . "If you are able to found out the power source it would be wise to shut it down"
  • Secondly it would be a great idea to find a peaceful place where noone can distruct you ,so you can sit and relax your nerves .
  • Try to find something that will help you to forget why you are angry " that could be a video game , a tv show , a board game or you can even go for a walk "
  • And last but not least you have to know that anger is a feeling too so try to consentrate on your other fellings and take a moment to  appreciate the things that you have around you and feel greatful and happy about them...
Remember that you are not alone try to talk to someone about your current situation and release that wheight that you are carrying around on your chest.

How to use the law of attraction properly

What is the law of attraction? Whatever we think about we are going to get. That’s basically the law of attraction. Whatever we think about — good or bad — we will get. For example, if someone keeps saying “I don’t feel well” over and over again, that person is going to get sick. If a person says “I feel great; I feel wonder” over and over again, that person is going to feel great.
What is an affirmation? An affirmation is a statement of what we want. For example, if I say, “My body is perfect,” this would be an affirmation. Affirmations go with the law of attraction very well. The statement or affirmation is what people say to get what they want. If a person is saying affirmations and they don’t get what they want, here are a few tips that could help:
  • You’re not saying the affirmation long enough. What I mean by that is if I say “I have a new job that pays me well” but only say it once or twice, this is normally not long enough. I want everyone to say “I have a new job that pays me well” over and over again until you just can’t say it anymore.

  • Give an affirmation more energy by putting YES in front of it. So I would say, “YES, I have a new job that pays me well.” The YES gives it more energy. Just say, “YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES.” We all will be amazed at the results.

  • Don’t give up. People basically don’t do an affirmation long enough because they don’t see results immediately so they give up. Keep reciting your affirmations.
One last thing before I let you go. If your dream is to be an author, for example, but you don’t have any experience in writing or in editing papers, becoming an author is going to be very hard. An affirmation has to be something real to you so if I was a hairdresser I might one day want to own the hair salon I work at. This would be believable to me. Now I’m not saying the person who wants to be an author can’t do it. It’s just he or she would have to start by maybe taking English classes at a community college or find a tutor who can help improve his/her writing skills. Basically nothing is off limits. We just can’t jump from point A to point Z as they say; we have to go from point A to point B.
One thing is for sure: Never give up on your dreams. Go for it. Do what you love. If you love what you do, work won’t really be work, will it?

How to feel happy

The best way to begin our jurney is by having possitive emotions ...
I will talk about the whole "emotions" section in another article but for now lets concentrate in the most effective emotion of all . And obviusly I am talking about happiness.
Feeling happy is the key to solve every problem that you face in your life, big or small .
You may think that there is nothing you can do to feel a little bit happier in certain situations, but that is not true. Being happier is completely within your control, no matter what situation you are in. If you want to be happier, then you have to be willing to change your perspective to be more accepting of whatever life may throw at you ,while also trying to change the things that are not working.

Now you may ask "Hey Andrew i got it , feeling happy is a good thing but how exactly i am suposed to be happy when everything around me drags me to the opposite direction ?"

As i told you ,change your perspective is the key 
do not think about happiness as a thing .Start to think more positively. The easiest way to become happier is to make an effort to be a more optimistic person "To think  more positively, you have to be ready to monitor your own thoughts. Notice when negative thoughts are creeping up and fight them with possitive thoughts and logic."

Here i have some tips for you 

*When you are sad or angry , it is sometimes good to find a quiet place to be alone.Observing or watching objects helps. Keep yourself entertained to get your mind off the anger or sadness

*Be grateful for what you have.

*Try to spread your own happiness towards others.